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Wednesday 24 July 2024

Top 3 - Challenge #599 Seaside

 Good morning, Pat K here to announce the Top 3 picks for our Seaside Challenge #599.

Before I reveal my selection I would like to remind everyone that we are on a Summer Break 
and will be back with a brand new challenge on Sept. 11.

So many wonderful entries in our Seaside challenge so thank you all for your creations.

Now without further ado here are the Top 3 in no particular order.

#11 Emma

#27 Pia

#29 Deanne

Congratulations Ladies. 
Please take our Fab'n'Funky Top 3 Badge to display on your blog. 
It is available on the right hand side of this blog.

Have a wonderful, safe Summer folks.  Hope to see everyone in the fall.

Pat K and the Fab'n'Funky Girls xx

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Many thanks from everyone at "Fab 'n' Funky" Challenges for joining in with us this week. We can't wait to see your project.