
Tuesday 31 March 2020

#474 - Masculine winners

It's Buffy here with a big "Thank You" to everyone who joined in, we saw some super card. 

My top 3  
for our masculine challenge (in no particular order) are:

8. Maya

17. Nick

33. Green Monster

Please take our top three banner to display proudly on your blog.

Again I want to give a huge shout out to all the lovely crafter who took part. 
A shout out to all those crafters who aren't sure about joining in, give it a go. We always love to see everyone's  projects ( and you never know maybe you'll be one of our top 3 😉)

Hugs & Happy Thoughts 
From all of us here at Fab'n'Funky Challenges
p.s. I apologise for the lateness of this post, I been having major internet issues. Stay Safe xx


  1. Thank you so much for picking my card as one of your favs! So happy and I´ll display my badge with pride.
    Congratulations to Maya and Green Monster too. Wonderful masculine cards.

  2. congrats to all the lucky winners. Fab inspiration!


Many thanks from everyone at "Fab 'n' Funky" Challenges for joining in with us this week. We can't wait to see your project.