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Copyright details: registered & protected The cards shared by the DT on this blog are for inspiration and enjoyment. Please do not copy them for any publication, contest submissions or use them in inspirational or compilations CD's which are then sold on to other crafters. Many thanks for your understanding.

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Challenge #596 Top Picks

 Good morning,  welcome to Fab'n' Funky Challenges.

Here are the top 3 picks for our 'Square' Challenge.

#15 Fi

#30 Debbie M

#40 Donna W

Congratulations ladies, your cards are gorgeous, please take your Top 3 badge from the side bar.

Many thanks to everyone who played along with the challenge. We hope you will join us again very soon- there's still plenty of time to enter our current challenge, the theme is 'Circles'.

Chris and the Fab'n' Funky Girls

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the Top Pick honor. Congrats to Fi and Debbie also!


Many thanks from everyone at "Fab 'n' Funky" Challenges for joining in with us this week. We can't wait to see your project.