VERY LONG POST but please read to the end!
Many t
hanks for everyone for participating in last
weeks c
hallenge and
we all love visiting your blogs -
were else could
we get so much crafty inspiration for our projects !!!
w we
have a great, talented
new GDT for this week, so please say
Amanda . .
who probably didn't realise she'd be s
haring t
he blog
hop post . . .
hee! Please stop by
her blog and give
her a

Now t
week is a
VERY SPECIAL week as Fab'n'Funky Challenges is . . . 1 . . . so
we are
having a big
to celebrate and
we would love to see you all come to our party. So t
weeks c
hallenge t
heme is simply . . .
B I R T H D A Y !
we ask t
week is t
hat you make a birt
hday t
hemed card/scrapbook page/book/altered item . . etc etc and link to your project.
If you join in the blog hop as well as the challenge you will get
2 entries to the Fab'n'Funky Birthday Challenge Draw t
his week . . . all t
he details are belo
he DT
have been beavering away at their birt
hday projects to s
h you and you will find a little birt
hday present on each of the DT's blogs as our
way to say t
hank you for all your support in t
he last year. So w
hat do you
have to do
hear you
wonder . . .
simply visit each of the DT and collect a LETTER from their blog. No
w t
his could be hidden amongst the text on t
heir birt
hday post or just simply given to you . . . you'll
have to
wait and see. Once you
have all t
he letters, unscramble t
hem to form a phrase and t
hen leave a comment in t
he comments section on t
his blog.
We are putting comment moderation on this week so t
hat everybody
has a fair chance of
winning loads of birt
hday prizes.
On t
he c
hallenge blog, we
have fab prizes from t
he follo
wing very generous sponsors:
Fantastic Ribbons

he Fab'n'Funky DT are also offering birt
hday prizes from lots of very generous companies on t
heir blogs and t
he running order for t
he blog
hop is as follo

To reiterate: eac
h Fab'n'Funky DT member is also giving away a prize as
well as a letter (
which you need to collect).
Visit each DT blog (as shown above) and see their birthday project, collect the letter and then leave a comment on their blog to be eligible for their draw.
REMEMBER you need to come back here and enter t
he unscrambled p
hrase in the comments section to be eligible to
win one of the prizes on offer on the c
hallenge blog . . . p
hope t
hat all makes sense!!!
The challenge blog is also giving away 2 letters whic
h is a part of the birt
hday t
hemed p
hrase t
week - can you guess
what letters t
hey might be?
w t
he order to visit the DT is as follows:
. . . . and you
will need to visit all t
he blogs to get all your letters. If you
have any furt
her questions, just email Fabnfunkyc
hallenges@ and
will endeavour to assist. Please also note t
hat all t
he posts
have been set to "go live" at 09:00 GMT but as t
he DT is
wide, some of t
heir posts mig
ht not s
w at time . . . please be patient. All DT links can be found on t
his post and in t
he side bar . . . .
so have FUN and enjoy the birthday hop as there
are 15 different prizes to be won this week!
he Fab'n'Funky DT