Please follow our challenge blog:

Copyright details: registered & protected The cards shared by the DT on this blog are for inspiration and enjoyment. Please do not copy them for any publication, contest submissions or use them in inspirational or compilations CD's which are then sold on to other crafters. Many thanks for your understanding.

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Challenge #261 ~ Christmas

Morning all....It's Wendy here, with a great new Challenge for you.

Many thanks to everyone who joined in with our Flora and Fauna challenge last week, so many fabulous entries...Please scroll down to post below this one to find out if you were a lucky winner or made Top 3.
Congratulations to you all....


On to this weeks it is the last Wednesday of the month we have our usual theme of CHRISTMAS so anything Christmas we would love to see!

Our Wonderful sponsor this week is...
Di's Digi Stamps

The lucky winner we receive $12 to spend in store :)

Here's some fab inspiration from the DT...

using Holly Pudding available here




Using Di's Digi Stamps Cheesy Christmas Mice 2 (coloured) available HERE

Pat K


Do hope you will play along with us this week, can't wait to see
all your gorgeous Christmas creations...have fun!

Wendy and the Fab'n'Funky DT

Winner and Top 3 - Challenge 260 Flora and Fauna

Good morning everyone, it's Helen here with the winner and Top 3 from last week's 'Flora and Fauna' Challenge.  A big thank you to everyone who entered the challenge, we had some great entries and it wasn't an easy job to choose the Top 3!

Our winner has been chosen by the Random Number Generator and it is:

#40 - Ginny

Ginny made her card for a lady called Winnie from Sheffield who will be 100 at the end of the month.  An appeal was made for cards for her birthday because she has no surviving family.  I heard an interview with one of her and one of her carers on the radio and she had been overwhelmed by everyone's kindness - I'm sure she loved Ginny's card.

Congratulations, Ginny - please e-mail Judith at the address shown in the side bar to claim your prize of 3 digis of your choice up to the value of $10 from any of the creators used by our DT in the challenge from:

Please make sure you put 'Fab'n'Funky Challenge Winner Stitchy Bear' as your e-mail title.

And now on the Top 3 from the challenge.  In numerical order they are:

Please take our Top 3 badge from the side bar.

A big thank you again to all last week's entrants - check back very soon for our new challenge!

Helen and the rest of the Fab'n'Funky Team xx

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Challenge #260 Flora and Fauna

Good morning everyone - it's Helen here with this week's new Fab'n'Funky challenge.

A big thank you to everyone who joined us for last week's 'Tag It' challenge - we all enjoyed visiting your blogs to see what you had made!  For the winner and top 3, scroll down below this post.

And so on to our challenge for this week:

Flora and Fauna

We want to see your creations featuring flowers or animals.

Our sponsor this week is:

And the prize on offer for the winner is 3 images of their choice up to $10 in value from any of of the creators who images are used in the challenge.

And here's some inspiration from the Design Team - we'd love you to visit us, just click on the DT's name to take you to their blog:

using 'Silhouettes - Poppy' which is here

using 'Blooming Beauty' which is here

using 'Arty Flower' which is here

using 'French Bulldog' which is here

using 'A Little Bit Simple' which is here

Using Butterflies and Flowers available here

Using Beary Happy Blooms available here

We hope that you're able to join in with our challenge this week. We look forward to visiting your blogs. Please make sure that you post a link back to Fab'n'Funky Challenges in your blog post in order to be eligible for this week's prize.

The deadline for entries is Tuesday evening (8pm GMT) to qualify for a prize.

So now it's over to you to get creative and share you creations with us!

Helen and the rest of the DT team  xx

Winner & Top 3 Fab'n'Funky Challenge #259 ~Tag It

Morning everyone….Pat K here to announce the Winner and Top 3 for our “Tag It” Challenge
Thank you so much for your wonderful entries.  
We were so impressed with your amazing creativity!

Our winner is chosen by Random Number Generator, and the lucky winner is

#1 Rita V

Congratulations - please email Judith at the address on the sidebar to claim your prize of 2 free digi stamps from Dr. Digi

Please make the subject of your e-mail Fab'n'Funky Challenge Winner

 together with the name of the sponsor.

Now on to the Top 3

#6 Jacee

Congratulations ladies on your beautiful creations, please take your Top 3 badge from the sidebar!

Hope to see you again for our next challenge which will be starting soon.
Hugs, Pat K and the Fab’n’Funky girls.

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Challenge #259 ~Tag It

Hello friends,

 Pat K here hosting a great new challenge for you. 
Thanks to everyone who entered our challenge last week.
Please scroll down to the post below to see if you are the lucky winner
or one of our fabulous three.
All of the entries were gorgeous and Congratulations to you all.


Now onto our challenge theme which I have chosen

Tag It

We'd like to see you make a tag or add one to your creation

Our fabulous sponsor offering 2 free digis to the winner of this challenge is

Chris using Weekend Walter

Zora using Tin Man

Pat K (Using the coloured version of Derek Clapton)

Ginny (using Land Ho)

Wends using Naughty or Nice?

We would love to come and visit to see your tag projects this week
just link up below and we'll be straight over!

hugs Pat K and the Fab'n'Funky DT girls

Winners of Fab'n'Funky Challenge #258 - May Flowers


It's Judith here with the winner of last weeks challenge 
Thank you to everyone who entered we had sooo many lovely entries
which only went to make my job even harder!

The  winner as chosen at random is

Traci L #100

And here is the winning entry

Congratulations - please email Judith at the address in the sidebar to claim your prize of 3 digi stamps from Lacy Sunshine Stamps

Please make the subject of your e-mail Fab'n'Funky challenges Winner together with the name of the sponsor.

Now onto the top three

Jennifer #105

Pamelia #30

Lou Sims #45

Please take our top three banner to display proudly on your blog.

Hope yu'll all call back later when we have amother brand new challenge and a fabulous prize up for grabs

hugs Judith and the Fab'n'Funky DT girls xx

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Challenge #258 May Flowers

Good morning all

It's Judith here with our new challenge for this week here at

 Fab'n'Funky Challenges

Thank you for all your lovely entries into last week's challenge.  Scroll down to see if you were our lucky winner or one of our top 3 

Our challenge this week is 

May Flowers

so we want to see flowers - simple as that!
This week our lovely sponsor is the lovely
Lacy Sunshine Stamps
Who are offering a prize of 3 digis of the winners choice

Now for some inspiration from the DT.  We always appreciate a visit so if you click the name you can hop over and leave  a comment.

using Marguerite Daisy Flower Pot Pretty available here


Using Victoria Lacy Sunshine Pin up girl

using TabbiBoo stamp from lacy sunshine

Helen using 'Sarah Jane' from Lacy Sunshine available here

Using Daisy Delite Daisy Love Pin Up available here

Using Willow's Butterfly Friend from Lacy Sunshine available here

using Pablo by Lacy Sunshine available here

This is such a n Easy Peasy pretty challenge - hope you'll join us by linking below

Hugs Judith and the Fab'n'Funky DT girls 

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Winner and Top 3 Challange 257 Christmas

Wow fullkomligt XX Challanger med stora konstverk in den här veckan. DT medlemmar  älskar popping över att se dina fantastiska kreationer.  Tack alla så mycket.

Men innan jag tillkännager vinnaren, jag vill presentera dig för våra sponsorer.

Och vår härliga sponsor denna utmaning är:

med ett pris på 15 pund att spendera på webbplatsen.

Hej! Jag heter Lorna ägare av  "Allt om pärlor"  en online pärla leverantör säljande kvalitet pärlor och fynd från hela världen, inklusive tjeckiska glaspärlor, Bali stil kristaller och Charms. Vi erbjuder en snabb och vänlig service med orderingången innan 12:00 avgå samma dag.


Och vinnaren är:
# 8  Rosina

Skicka ett mail Judith på adressen i sidofältet för att hävda din vinst och ta din vinnare emblem.

Topp 3 is:
(I nummerordning)

# 13  Anet van Zyl

# 16 Deborah A

Ta din Top 3 badge från sidan baren.

Stort grattis till vår tipsetta och Top 3 från alla Fab'n'Funky laget.

Välkommen tillbaka i morgon när vi tillkännage nästa utmaning.