Please follow our challenge blog:

Copyright details: registered & protected The cards shared by the DT on this blog are for inspiration and enjoyment. Please do not copy them for any publication, contest submissions or use them in inspirational or compilations CD's which are then sold on to other crafters. Many thanks for your understanding.

Tuesday, 23 July 2019

Top 3 Add Pearls/Gems #449


It's Wendy here with our Top 3 from last weeks challenge Add Pearls or Gems :) Thank you so much to everyone who joined us, we had so many gorgeous creations entered, such a joy to visit you all :)

My top 3 for this challenge goes to..

#7 Maya

#17 Cathymac

#26 Lorraine B

Congratulations to you all for your stunning creations, please help yourself to a Top 3 badge from our side bar :)

Wendy and the Fab'n'Funky girls x

Wednesday, 17 July 2019

Challenge #449 Add Pearls / Gems...

Good Morning All,

It's Wendy here with our new challenge for this week here at Fab'n'Funky Challenges

Thank you for all your lovely entries for last week's challenge.  Scroll down to see if  you were one of our top 3.

Challenge theme this week is...

Add Pearls or Gems or both

This is our last challenge before the hardworking DT girls have a well earned summer break - but we'll be back soon!

Now it's time for some inspiration from the DT.  We always appreciate a visit so if you click the name you can hop over and leave a comment.

Do hope you will  join us with our fun challenge this week. We look forward to visiting your blogs and seeing your gorgeous creations. 

So all that's left is for you to get creative and link up your entry to the linky at the bottom of the page

Have fun 
Wendy and the Fab'n'Funky Girls xx 

The Colour Purple ~ Top 3

Welcome back lovely crafty pals,
I'm so happy to see there are other crafters out there
who love to create with the colour purple!

We had some stunning creations in the line up
Thank you to everyone who took part in our 'Purplicious' challenge
but these three lovelies really stood out to me.




Congratulations ladies,
such different but oh so lovely creations
Please grab your Top 3 badge from the sidebar
and wear it on your blogs with pride!

We have a wonderful challenge for you this week
hosted by our lovely Wendy Fields.

She'd love to see gems or pearls on your creations this week
so come and join in this lovely theme with us

Hugs and happy crafting,
Wends and the Fab 'n' Funky Team

Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Fab 'n' Funky #448 ~ The Colour Purple

Hey there Fab 'n' Funky friends,
we're back with a new challenge for you today
and this week, it's my turn to host

I've decided to focus on

'The Colour Purple'

You don't have to make a monochromatic creation
but I would like to see Purple feature heavily in your design.
It's my mummy's favourite colour, and I'm sure there's a few of us
crafters out there who would count purple in our colour favourites,
so I hope you'll enjoy creating something purplicious this week.

Team Funky are on the case this week and
have been crafting their fingers off to inspire you!
Be sure to click through to their blogs to check out all
the lovely details of their DT creations.

Thanks for playing along with us this week
Be sure to check out if you were one of our Top 3 from the last challenge
Scroll down to the last post for that information

Happy Creating!

Wends and the Funky Team

Tuesday, 9 July 2019

Top 3 Challenge 447 - Stars and Stripes

Good Evening Peeps

Hope you are all having a good week, it's Pat here bringing you our Top 3 for challenge #447 Stars and Stripes.  

Thank you so much for all your lovely entries into the challenge our Top 3 (in no particular order) are:

1. Cristina


14. Shell B


20. Crafty Paws

You’re a Star Birthday Card 

Congratulations to all our winners, please take your Top 3 badge from the side-bar to display on your blog.

We will have a new challenge for you starting in the morning, hope to see you joining in once again.

Enjoy your evening.

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Challenge #447 - Stars and/or Stripes

Good Morning All,

 Pat here welcoming you to our new challenge for this week at Fab'n'Funky Challenges

Thank you for all your lovely entries for last week's challenge, please scroll down to see if you were in our Top 3

As it is the 4th July tomorrow and American Independence Day I decided to pick a challenge theme related to the USA, so for this week our challenge is:

(use Stars or Stripes or both)

Now it's time for some inspiration from the DT.  We always appreciate a visit so if you click the name you can hop over and leave a comment. 




using Dies from Crafters Companion

We hope you will be able to join in with our challenge this week.  We look forward to visiting your blogs and seeing your gorgeous creations.  Please be sure to post a link back to Fab'n'Funky in your blog post.  The deadline for entries is Tuesday evening (8pm GMT).

So all that's left is for you to get creative and link up your entry to the linky at the bottom of the page.

Have fun!
Pat and the Fab'n'Funky Girls xx

Top 3 for Challenge #446- Sunny Summer

Good morning all, thank you for all your wonderful entries into last week's challenge, what a job to pick just 3! 
Here they are in no particular order-

#10 Clare

#17 Jane Willis

#21 Deanne
Fantastic work ladies, well done.,...please help yourself to your badge from the side bar.
Don't forget to join us for this week's challenge!

Chris & the Fab'n'Funky girls