Good Morning all
It's Neva here with the new challenge for the week
Fab'n'Funky Challenges
Thank you for all your lovely entries for last week's challenge.
Scroll down to see if you were one of our top 3
Have lots of fun!!
Good Morning all
Good morning all
Good Morning all
Good morning everyone,
#11 Chrissy
Thank you again to everyone who played along.
Pat K and the Fab'n'Funky Girls
Good Morning all,
Our Challenge this week is
"No Square Cards"
So show us your circles, rectangles, or even triangles if that is what you like, just no squares please.
Now it's time for some inspiration from the DT. We always appreciate a visit so if you click the name you can hop over and leave a comment.
Have fun
Pat K and the Fab'n'Funky Girls xx
Good morning,
Thank you for all the lovely entries for last week's 'kraft' challenge, it was a pleasure visiting all your blogs and admiring your beautiful creations but no easy task to choose a top 3!
However, it had to be done so here they are, in order of entry.
#1 Chrissyxx
Please come back later today for this week's challenge, we really hope you join us again.
Love from the Fab'n' Funky girls.