Please follow our challenge blog:

Copyright details: registered & protected The cards shared by the DT on this blog are for inspiration and enjoyment. Please do not copy them for any publication, contest submissions or use them in inspirational or compilations CD's which are then sold on to other crafters. Many thanks for your understanding.

Wednesday 24 March 2010

Challenge #16 - "It's all in the technique"

WOOZERS . . . what a fab number of entries. We were all chuffed to bits to see so many of you entering last week and please do bare with us as the DT are slowly making away around all the entries to leave comments. Many thanks for sharing your crafty eye candy with us all at "Fab 'n' Funky" challenges.
We must also say a big thank you to Di's Digi Designs for sponsoring us last week and Mr Random.Org has been busy this week and has chosen No. 62 as the lucky winner, so well done to . . .

Please could you email Di directly with your 3 choices from her great selection of digi images and she will get them over to you. Please make sure that you also put "Fab 'n' Funky" challenge winner into the subject line.

Now this weeks challenge theme is a little different. . .

"It's all in the technique"

We all have our favourite "thing" when it comes to creating and we would like you to share your favourite technique with us. This could be paper piecing, embossing, stitching, distressing, making our own embellishments . . . so on and so on and so on . . . We can be creatures of habit and like to favour one technique over another, so this week we would like you to celebrate this un-sung technique. You never know, your favourite technique maybe one someone else has yet to try and when they see your project it might just spur them on to give it a go! To start the ball rolling, here is the DT's take on this weeks challenges:

AndreaTechnique: paper piecing

Technique: paper piecing


Technique: Distressing and paper pricking

GinnyTechnique: paper piecing

Technique: paper piecing

We can't wait to see what yor favourite technique is now . . . ooohhhhh, how exciting !

"Fab 'n' Funky" DT


  1. Oooh these are all gorgeous. Great challenge.
    here’s my entry

  2. No mr linky so I'm posting my link here
    Love the inspiration. Thanks for the lovely challenge.

  3. Thanks so much! I will email Di!

  4. Ladies, I have added your entries into Mr Linky . . sorry for forgetting again!

  5. Thank you for the challenge, and love all the dt creations!!!!
    Beautiful job ladies!!!!

    Also added my link to mr.linky but cant see


  6. oooops I can see it when I run my mouse over the numbers, the names show up :) pretty neat!!!lol
    Hugs again!!

  7. Love .. love... love all the DT cards..

  8. Fab cards and great challenge, mine is here

    Jan x

  9. I see some people posted 2 and 3 entires. Are we allowed to enter more than once?

  10. nice challenge. There's nothing I like better than techniques and making things myself.

  11. You can enter as many times as you like 3C Crafts ! Teri, I agree with the background thing and we are looking into things so watch this space!

    Thanks everyone for entering and loving reading abour everyone's favourite techniques.


  12. Hey
    I'm Looking to purchase [url=][b]TV Stands[/b][/url] or TV [url=][b]Wall Units[/b][/url] For an apartment I'min the process of buying.
    Can anyonegive me a good recommendation of where is the bestdeal on these? I live in LA and I heard that the big thing about these [url=][b]tv stands[/b][/url] is the cost of shipping and installation.
    I also found this great article about wiring your entertainment center:

    looking forward to your reply

    [url=][img]  [/img][/url]



Many thanks from everyone at "Fab 'n' Funky" Challenges for joining in with us this week. We can't wait to see your project.